Can Primal Movement Improve Your Mobility

primal movement


Are you over 40 and looking for ways to improve your mobility? Have you heard of the concept of primal movement, but aren’t sure what it is or how it can benefit you? Primal movement training is an effective way to improve mobility and build strength.

Studies have shown that engaging in these exercises can help improve our mobility and increase flexibility. Let’s look at what primal movement is and why it’s important for increasing mobility as we age.

What is Primal Movement?

Primal movement exercises are based on movements that are found in nature—movements we used when our ancestors were hunters and gatherers.   It involves low-impact exercises like crawling, rolling, squatting, walking, and climbing that are designed to strengthen the muscles and joints that are typically overlooked when we focus solely on aerobics or weight lifting. These movements target areas such as your hips, shoulders, and feet which are essential for maintaining balance and avoiding injuries.

These exercises are designed to strengthen your muscles, increase your range of motion, and improve balance and coordination. They also focus on functional movements like squatting, crawling, balancing on one leg, and carrying heavy objects—all of which can help you stay strong as you age.  The idea behind this type of movement is to engage multiple muscle groups at once in order to increase overall strength and mobility.




There are many benefits to incorporating primal movement into your daily routine. One major benefit is increased flexibility and range of motion. By engaging multiple muscle groups in a single exercise, you can move more freely through multiple planes of motion while increasing strength in those muscles at the same time.

This type of exercise also helps to improve balance and coordination as well as reduce stress levels by stimulating endorphins released during physical activity. Additionally, this therapy can help develop better posture which can lead to improved breathing patterns and reduced risk of injury due to incorrect technique or form during workouts or other physical activities.

The dynamic movements also help build strength and flexibility while improving coordination and balance. Additionally, primal movement exercises require minimal equipment or space so they can be done anywhere!  Research has shown that primal movement training can lead to improved mobility, better posture, increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, increased fat loss, reduced pain levels, improved moods, and better overall health.

Primal movement also helps relieve tension in the body caused by sitting for long periods of time throughout the day which can result in decreased energy levels and fatigue during workouts or activities. Studies have also shown that regular practice of primal movement has been associated with improved mental health as well due to heightened focus gained from complex motor skill tasks involved with this type of training.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for a way to improve your mobility without putting too much strain on your joints then primal movement could be just what you need!  Research has shown that this type of exercise leads to numerous health benefits including improved posture, increased energy levels, reduced pain levels, and improved moods.

With its various benefits including increased flexibility, range of motion, better posture, improved balance and coordination as well as reduced stress levels – it’s easy to see why incorporating some form of primal movement into your daily routine might be beneficial for women who want to stay active despite age-related joint pain or stiffness!

So why not give it a try today? Your body (and mind!) will thank you!  So if you’re looking for an effective way to stay fit as you age then give primal movement a try!

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***Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice***





  • Susan Taylor, RDN LD

    Meet Susan, registered dietitian / nutritionist and fellow autoimmune warrior who is dedicated to helping women with autoimmune disease get their groove back. With the right diet and lifestyle changes, Susan empowers her clients to take control of their health and feel their best. When she's not busy saving the world you can find Susan strolling along the beach, jet-setting to new destinations, and soaking up quality time with family & friends.

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